An auto-responder is a predefined message, which is sent automatically as a reply to each and every email received inside a mailbox with this option enabled. The two most common cases for employing this function are automatic emails that one is temporarily out of the office or that an order has been received successfully. An auto-responder could also be used as a basic confirmation that the email has been delivered successfully, which may be something rather important in business communication. The message which is delivered can contain more or less anything and could be modified according to the conditions and exactly what the auto-responder will be employed for. As the feature is enabled server-side, there isn’t anything you are expected to do by hand and you don't need an e-mail program to be active constantly for the automatic reply to be mailed to the person sending you an e-mail.

Auto-responder Emails in Shared Hosting

You'll be able to make an auto-responder message for any of your mailboxes with as few as two clicks with every single shared hosting plan that our company offers. Everything you will need to do is to go to the Emails section of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, click on the auto-responder button for the e-mail, type in the message inside the box which will pop up and save the modification. In order to modify or remove some message, you will need to go through the very same steps. The Emails section will allow you to find which accounts have an auto-responder option, so that you can conveniently keep an eye on what is going on with your emails. You can also enable or deactivate the feature for various email addresses at once.

Auto-responder Emails in Semi-dedicated Servers

You'll be able to activate the auto-responder function for each of your email addresses if you are using a semi-dedicated server plan with us. Our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to manage the web hosting packages, is incredibly intuitive and simple to use, so adding an auto-responder will take you just a couple of mouse clicks - all it takes to do that is to navigate to the Emails area, click on the auto-responder button for any given email, enter the message that you want to be sent by our system to people who contact you by using email and save the changes. In an identical way you are able to additionally modify the text or entirely remove it when the auto reply is no longer required. Hepsia furthermore will allow you to activate an auto-responder for a lot of emails at the same time.